The title should be brief, captivating and meaningful.
Include complete names of all authors, their affiliations, institutions and email addresses.
The first author of the paper shall be the corresponding author indicated.
The Abstract should be a succinct presentation of the paper purpose, materials and methods, findings, conclusions and recommendations. It should be approximately 300 words long with no undefined abbreviations or unspecified references.Include at least five keywords to facilitate indexing.
Body of the Paper: For research papers
The body of the paper should be single-spaced with the following main headings: Introduction; Literature review; Materials and methods; Results and discussion; Conclusions and recommendations; References; Acknowledgement; Conflict of interest; About the authors.
The main headings should be in bold font and in sentence case.
The sub-headings should be bold font, italicized and in sentence case.
The main headings should carry the numbering: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc. while the sub headings should carry the numbering 1.1, 2.1. 3.1 etc.
Body of the Paper: For concept papers
The body of the paper should be single-spaced with the following main headings: Introduction; Theoretical underpinnings; Literature review; Conclusions; Recommendations for research; References; Acknowledgement; Conflict of interest; About the authors.
The main headings should be in bold font and in sentence case.
The sub-headings should be bold font, italicized and in sentence case.
The main headings should carry the numbering: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc. while the sub headings should carry the numbering 1.1, 2.1. 3.1 etc.
It should comprise a description of the general framework, definitions and principles, background information, problem statement, and purpose/objectives/research questions/hypothesis.
Literature review
Presents the literature reviewed for the paper and theoretical underpinnings that guided the research. It should be a relevant, critical and a meaningful discussion.
Materials and methods
It contains a brief description of research approach, research design, research area, sample size and sampling methods, research tools, validity and reliability procedures, ethical issues observed, and data analysis methods used.
Results and discussion
Presents the study findings addressing the study objectives/research questions/hypothesis and a discussion in the context of existing literature.
Conclusions and recommendations
Outlines the study conclusions based on the findings obtained and suggestions on way forward (recommendations for practice and policy)
Acknowledge any funding, support in data collection any other support.
Conflict of interest
Disclose any conflicts of interest.
Use the APA 7th Edition citation style. Check the following link
All materials cited in the work should be included in the list of references.
URL link of online citations should be indicated.
About the authors
Include a brief biography about the authors that indicates their qualification, specialization, research interests and activities, research and work profile links.
Tables and Figures
Reference all Tables and Figures in the text (Figure 1, Table 1, etc.)
Provide a caption for each Table and Figure.
Obtain permission for use of any tables or figures from other sources and indicate the source.
Authorship credit should be based on a substantial contribution to the paper.
The first author is the corresponding author, who manages the communication with the journal editors and the co-authors of the paper.
The corresponding author must inform all the co-authors of the submission of the manuscript to the journal. It is recommendable all the co-authors to be copied the communication on submission through their emails.
The corresponding author should certify that the manuscript is not submitted elsewhere for publication.
Writing Guidelines
The journal preference is for use of the third person. The use of the pronoun “I” should be avoided if possible. In the text, do not use the second person "you".
Use "one", "individuals", "people", etc. rather than gender-specific pronouns.
In the text, use "et al." for multiple authors, e.g., "Anderson et al. (2020) have found..."
Do not use contractions, i.e., use "did not" rather than "didn't", "cannot" rather than "can't", "would have" rather than "would've", etc.
At first use of an abbreviation, write out full name in full and enclose abbreviation in parentheses, e.g. Principal Components Analysis (PCA).
Avoid jargon, colloquialisms, and the use of idiosyncratic terms.
File format
Papers should be written in Microsoft Word format, justified, and in single spacing; Font style – Times New Roman; Font size - 12; No. of words – 5000 to 7000 words. Tables, figures, sections on references, conflict of interest, acknowledgement and about the authors should be font size 10.
Publication process
After the papers are received, they are subjected to blind peer review process.
The authors shall be required to revise the papers after receiving the peer reviewers’ comments.
The authors retain the copyright of their work after publication.
By submitting the paper, the authors agree to pay paper publication charges in case the paper is accepted for publication.
After the payment of the paper publication charges and revision of the paper by the authors, the paper is updated, formatted and published on the current issue of the journal.
Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.
Only papers written in English are acceptable for publication.
The journal welcomes submissions in the field of education or in any other related discipline.
Papers forwarded for consideration of publication should not have been submitted elsewhere for same purpose.
Copyright Notice
I/We, (Author (s) name, the copyright owner)
Title of article: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. do hereby authorize you to publish the above said Research Article in The Educator Journal
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The Article is my/our original contribution and has not been plagiarized/copied from any source/individual.
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I/We hereby authorize you to edit, modify and make changes in the Research Article to make it suitable for publication in The Educator Journal.
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