Residents’ Perception of Slum Tourism Development in Kibera,Nairobi, Kenya
The development of slum tourism in Kibera and other slums around the world has generated considerable reactions from many commentators as evidenced by the numerous reports in the international news agencies. This paper examines the attitudes and perceptions of Kibera residents towards the development of slum tourism and the major factors influencing these attitudes and perceptions. A mixed methods
research approach was employed for the study. Questionnaires, semi-structured in-depth interviews and participant observation as an auxiliary instrument were used to collect primary data. A total of 13 residents selected purposively were interviewed. Questionnaires were also administered to 168 households selected randomly in Kibera slums. Data was analyzed both quantitatively using multiple regression and
correlations and qualitatively using thematic analysis. The findings indicated that the residents of Kibera slums generally hold negative attitudes towards slum tourism. Both intrinsic factors, e.g. age and external factors like the level of benefits, and social impacts accruing from slum tourism were found to shape the attitudes of the residents. The outcomes of this study consolidate the body of knowledge in the context of resident perception of slum tourism. Utilizing the findings can help maintain a harmonious relationship between the host residents and tourists. Understanding the antecedents of support by local residents towards tourism development is crucial for policy makers and businesses because the success and sustainability of any development depends on active support of the local population. It is also one of the few attempts to examine the influence of intrinsic factors not just on the attitudes as
a whole, but either on positive or negative attitudes. The study recommends that the tourism players should allow and enhance interactions between the slum tourists and the locals to foster a harmonious relationship between the host residents and tourists.
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