Training Needs Assessment (TNA); A Solution for Effective Hotel Employee Training Outcomes in Kenya
Employee training needs assessment has increasingly become a vital component that defines effectiveness of training outcomes. Despite comprehension of the importance of training needs analysis, hotel managers incessantly rely on action oriented training plans. Such are ad hoc plans which are neither systematic nor grounded on holistic
incorporation of suitable training needs indicators, training plans and robust evaluation processes. Furthermore, managers are distracted by busy schedules biased to planning and realizing sales targets, which hardly give precedence to training needs assessment for quality service delivery. As a result, training needs assessment is often founded on varied reactions to internal and external environment forces which often are not best practices for achieving effective training outcomes in hotel management,
production and operation. Using semi-structured questionnaires, survey data was collected from 161 respondents in selected rated hotels within Nairobi Central Business District. The objective of the study was to identify the training needs assessment gap affecting achievement of effective training outcomes. Descriptive and factor analyses were performed on the data collected. The results revealed that hotel management training teams are typically action oriented and highly influenced by the nature of service of the hotel industry. Despite manager’s supportive culture to training needs assessment processes, their industrious schedule undermines the critical process, since previous reports are rarely considered to inform future trends or training needs. Organizational goals and not employees perceptions are used thus employees are de- motivated to commit to the process. Lastly, post evaluation is not keenly monitored to ensure transfer of skills gained in the work place. The study concludes that the assessment process should be holistic, flexible and systematic and fit within feasible
and budgeted limits. Training needs assessment would be a solution for the future of the industry’s growth, consistent efficiency and productiveness especially in the long-term
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