Getting 'Entangled': A Chaos Theory Perspective on Crisis Management Practices in the Hotel Industry in Kenya



Effective crisis management is paramount in the rapidly evolving global hotel industry. This study delves into a novel approach, applying chaos theory principles—the interconnectedness of factors, sensitivity to initial conditions, and the emergence of self-organising behaviours to unravel crisis management practices that can disentangle Kenyan hotels from chaotic situations that arise from crises. The research addresses a critical gap in existing literature, as prior studies have often overlooked the specific application of chaos theory principles within Kenya's unique socioeconomic and cultural context. By adopting a chaos theory perspective, this research dissects the intricate and often unpredictable dynamics of getting entangled in crises in Kenyan hotels. The study's methodology involves a comprehensive analysis of 510 management personnel from diverse star-rated hotels in Mombasa County, employing Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to validate the proposed theoretical framework. The findings confirm the significance of sensitivity to initial conditions and the emergence of self-organising behaviours in enhancing crisis management practices. The interconnectedness of factors did not significantly impact crisis management in this context. The results provide actionable insights for hotel industry professionals, policymakers, and scholars, offering a fresh lens to view and enhance crisis management practices tailored to the specific needs of Kenyan hotels. Specifically, hotels that are more sensitive to initial conditions and foster self-organising behaviours among their staff demonstrate more effective crisis responses and resilience. These results highlight the importance of proactive strategies that enhance sensitivity to initial conditions and promote self-organising behaviours, enabling hotels to navigate chaotic situations and disentangle from crises effectively. By embracing chaos theory principles, hotels can cultivate a culture encouraging autonomy, collaboration, and adaptability, strengthening their crisis management practices and ensuring resilience in the face of unpredictable challenges. Moreover, bridging this research gap contributes valuable knowledge that enriches the academic discourse and empowers the hotel industry stakeholders with practical strategies to handle crises.


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